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Homeless Outreach

During 2024, we have found and arranged permanent housing for 14 (previously) homeless individuals!  Check our Success Stories below to meet a few of those who are now off the streets.

Two years ago, few local high school students began this outreach as their Capstone Project for graduation.  Upon collecting several hundred pounds of food, buckets of hygiene products, socks, shoes, and belts, they visited homeless camps and gave individual bags to everyone they found.


At the end of the project, they relegated their idea to us, and we have chosen to continue the Outreach.  Individuals and families who are between homes or currently unhoused - sleeping in their car, in a tent, or couch surfing, are able to come here to pick up weekly food bags, shoes, clothing, and hygiene products or other needed items as they are available.

Our team works diligently to identify and refer clients to necessary services and aid in completing applications for client betterment such as SNAP, Medicaid, Social Security.  We are proud to announce we have now partnered with United Way Navigators to assist with the Polk County Healthcare enrollment applications.

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Our Director, Jennifer, taking supplies into a homeless camp after a big storm.


Our team taking food and other necessities to a migrant camp.


Success Stories

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Antonio had been sleeping in a vehicle in a parking lot for a few years.  He has now signed a lease and moved in!

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Our dear friend, Mack, had been homeless for over a decade when he visited us at the Center for food assistance.  We helped him re-establish identity, obtain health assistance, apply for Social Security, and finally move into his new home.

More to come...
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